NANO RPC playground
Want to experiment with NANO but neither have a synchronized node ready nor want to fiddle around with cURL? This website will allow you to send your RPC json to a public NANO node from within the browser window and immediately see the response.
For a description of all RPC actions, go to
Bonus features: I modified the node so it will also display human readable amounts. Timestamps are available since December 2016.
Known limitations: Wallets are not going to be persistent, they will be reset after some time. Output is capped at 25 elements. You can not use "stop","bootstrap","work_peers_clear","work_peer_add". Since the middleware is parsing the json, it may behave differently than the node. But the new node version should handle both strings and literals rather well.
Future outlook: I will also add a fully featured Nanode API, with a free plan for small apps, but also offering a paid proof-of-work service and cheap HTTP callback.